
Hello everyone. Just wanted to give a quick update on my 2 month absence

I apologize yet again for doing so, and I’ll try not to leave you all in disarray next time I decide to go on hiatus

My main reason for going on this 2 month long break, is really to take time and relax myself, internally and physically

It’s definitely nothing too grandiose, but it certainly was important (at least for me).

I hope you forgive me for just leaving you all as if I was a father leaving his family for years after he says he needs to go get some milk from the grocery store, but I digress

I’ll be back soon, though I still need to recuperate myself

Thank you all for viewing my posts for this long. I’m not even sure I deserve it honestly. Once I reappear, I will most certainly give each of you exemplary content, specifically to make up for my lax treatment of this site.

Published by Kurapen Curta


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