Manga analysis: Hunter x Hunter volume 1

Hello everyone. Welcome to my manga analysis series, where I go over everything manga! Sorry about my short two day hiatus, but I’ve been a bit busy. Anyways, let’s get into the review.

So first off I’d like to say the the art in the first chapter looks a bit sketchy for some reason, and I’m not sure why.

The art isn’t exactly consistent in this chapter, but it does keep the same basic art style overall. For the story however, that’s a completely different story. I enjoy how Gons background and character type are introduced, and how this vast world is implied here. He’s also shown to be starkly different form other Shōnen protagonist, as he doesn’t harbor any ill will towards his father for abandoning him. however, I do feel a bit bad for Mito, as she didn’t want Gon to leave, but he didn’t try to comfort her.

In the next few chapters, Kurapika and Leorio are introduced into the series as the two other main protagonists. The way their dynamic is set up in the second chapter in my opinion is great, and it really helps give them an established foundation. Later on after the three pass quite a few tests, Hisoka and Killua are introduced (less so Hisoka). Their full characteristics aren’t fully established in this volume, but the way they are crafted into the story leaves a sense of intrigue in the reader to learn more about them. The volume ends with Hisoka attacking Kurapika and Leorio (plus a few other examinees).

Overall, I’d say it’s a pretty good volume, and gives the main three protagonists a nicely established base for future character arcs, as well as setting up the Hunter world to be a great mystical adventure! I would definitely recommend you to read it

Rating: 7.5/10

Let me know your thoughts down below!

Published by Kurapen Curta


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