Manga analysis: Hunter x Hunter volume 3

Hello everyone! Welcome to my weekly manga review series! Last week, I went over most of volume 2, and concluded were the third phase began, so let’s start off there. So to start this off, I must say the art is incredibly consistent with the last volumes, if not a bit better. I really appreciateContinue reading “Manga analysis: Hunter x Hunter volume 3”

Manga analysis: Hunter x Hunter volume 2

Hello everyone, before I start this review, I would like to sincerely apologize for my absence, as I have been occupied with other things and admittedly a bit of procrastination. From now on, I’ll try to make consistent content every week expanding on this blog site, as my sites title suggests. So to start offContinue reading “Manga analysis: Hunter x Hunter volume 2”

Manga analysis: Hunter x Hunter volume 1

Hello everyone. Welcome to my manga analysis series, where I go over everything manga! Sorry about my short two day hiatus, but I’ve been a bit busy. Anyways, let’s get into the review. So first off I’d like to say the the art in the first chapter looks a bit sketchy for some reason, andContinue reading “Manga analysis: Hunter x Hunter volume 1”

Hunter X Hunter: Top three most overrated characters

3. Alluka Zoldyck It might seem a bit strange for me to put Alluka on this list, but please, hear me out. I went over the idea of putting Alluka on this list for a long time, and during that time figured out reasons why I should put him/her on this list. My main reasonContinue reading “Hunter X Hunter: Top three most overrated characters”

Hunter x Hunter: My top five favorite characters

5. Chrollo Lucilfer Now my first few reasons for having Chrollo on this list aren’t necessarily unpopular. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. One reason why I really like Chrollo might seem a bit generic, but I really enjoy how mysterious he is in the series, even to this day in the manga there isContinue reading “Hunter x Hunter: My top five favorite characters”

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