Hunter X Hunter: Top three most overrated characters

3. Alluka Zoldyck

It might seem a bit strange for me to put Alluka on this list, but please, hear me out. I went over the idea of putting Alluka on this list for a long time, and during that time figured out reasons why I should put him/her on this list. My main reason for putting Alluka on here is because he/she seems to get nothing but praise from the community. I always see something that’s related to Alluka praised since he/she seems to have a certain charm to him/her. It’s also because of how he/she interacts with Killua, which I personally thought to be kind of cheesy, but that’s just my opinion. So I don’t have to much to say about Alluka in all honesty, mainly because there’s not a lot of other information to bring up regarding the reason on why I feel Alluka is just a little bit overrated. But I guess a minor reason for me thinking this way is because Alluka doesn’t have much of a personality, and people still seem to praise her. She’s definitely not a bad character, but just a little overhyped in my opinion.

2. Mereum

Ohh boy. I’ve been wanting to talk about this one for a while. Mereum, in my opinion, is extremely overhyped, and a bit overrated. I definitely see where people are coming from though when they say he’s the best (or one of the best) antagonist of all time, but I just don’t agree. Though he isn’t my personal favorite character in the series, (or even close) I definitely do like him, as I believe he has an astonishing amount of character development in the span of around 40 days. He goes from a complete monster, to a lot more logical, reasonable, and understanding being. But other then that, there’s not to much I particularly like or agree with that others over exaggerate. For example, similar to what I said before, I hear this phrase on plenty of occasions: “Mereum goes from a completely evil, heartless creature, to a actual good person.” This phrase always gets under my skin. (Please excuse my little rant I’m about to start) Seriously? A good person? Mereum literally ate people, caused mass destruction and chaos in almost every area he was in, killed his own brethren, murdered innocent people, then also tried to lure more helpless, innocent people into a trap so he could forcefully turn them into Chimera ants. I understand that he sort of changed his ways, since before he said he wanted to destroy all humans, then later on he says he wants to keep a special few around, but that still doesn’t justify his acts of murder and destruction! It really annoys me when I hear really nonsensical things such as the phrases previously stated, but again, I do agree with the fact that he has a great amount of character development in a reasonable amount of time.

1. Killua Zoldyck

Yep. I’m sure no one is surprised. Killua Zoldyck flash-steps to number one with his cool charisma and character development. Now I’m sure obviously no one has ever talked about Killua being over hyped, but in case it has been, I’ll just make things brief. I go into what I think of how overhyped I think he is in my top 5 hunter x hunter character post, so you can go check that out if you want, but if you don’t want to, I’ll just say the same thing but in a bit more of a summary version. Now, my personal thoughts on Killua aside, he is definitely a bit overrated. He does have a good amount of character development, and his character arc is written very well, but he does have a few points where it’s supposed to peak that just end up cheesy to me. For example, when he decided his goal was to protect Alluka, I thought that was a bit anticlimactic, as I was not personally satisfied with this, since he didn’t make a goal specifically for himself like Gon or Kurapika and Leorio for example, and instead decided to dedicate his life to protect someone else for the rest of his life. But that aside, the main reason I brought up his character arc is because I feel like most people overrate that, and use it as a reason to “objectively” state that Killua is the best character in the series. He also seems to have a lot of charisma, (as I also stated before) since there are a lot of people I see praising every little thing Killua does. To be honest, it does get a bit annoying, as I feel there are characters with much better character arcs in the series, but Killuas arc is pretty good. It’s not exactly my favorite, and he’s not exactly my favorite character, but overall, I think he is really great. Just not on the second coming of Christ levels I see plenty of other people hyping him up to be.

That’s about all from me! please leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Published by Kurapen Curta


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